How I Got Sucked Into a Discord Sports Betting Group and Made Thousands

BigBetBilly’s sports picks Discord server uses big data to win big money!

Brian Walsh
2 min readJul 26, 2022

I’ve always been a big sports guy, and there’s no doubt that having some money on the game makes it way more exciting to watch. But the one issue I always had was that I never seemed to win.

When I first heard about BigBetBilly’s sports betting Discord and saw how much people were making, I was very intrigued.

I discovered BigBetBilly on TikTok when I saw a post about him going 12–0 and making over $30,000 in one day all while making his Discord members way more than that.

BigBetBilly’s claim to fame is an algorithm he developed over years of betting that wins at an unprecedented rate. As of the writing of this post, his picks so far in July of 2022 have gone 99–31 or a 76.1% winning rate. Truly incredible.

He typically gives out anywhere from 3–7 picks per day depending on the time of year, what sports are on, and what his algorithm is saying. But the important thing is, he only gives out picks that his algorithm believes are a “lock”.

Not only does BigBetBilly share his algorithm’s picks, but he also teaches bank roll management, idea betting unit sizes, and gives general advice from his 10+ years as a highly successful handicapper.

Now there is a nominal fee to join BigBetBilly’s Discord, but at $10 a month it’s hardly an issue. When I asked him why he didn’t make it free, his response made a lot of sense to me. He said, “If I made it free, people would be joining all the time, with multiple accounts spamming, advertising, and trolling. The $10 monthly fee is low enough where it won’t stop anyone from joining, but proves to me you’re here for the right reasons.”

The community he has built is incredible, with a great community atmosphere (especially after wins). It’s a fun way to give yourself a better chance at winning, meet some awesome people, and make some extra spending money each money.

If you’re interested in joining BigBetBilly’s Discord, click HERE to sign up.



Brian Walsh

I write about sports, entertainment, and the financial markets